5/19-27 Nigeria Mission Trip Application 真道靈糧堂 短宣申請表

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Personal Info. 個人信息

Please fill in your full legal name below 請在下方空格填入您的法定英文全名
Please select one option.
Emergency Contact 緊急聯絡資料

Health Condition 健康狀況

Please select one option.
If not applicable please fill in "N/A" 如果沒有以下情況請輸入“N/A”
Faith Journey 信仰歷程

Please select all that apply.
Please share how you decided to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and how had the decision changed you life. 請分享您是如何接受督耶穌為您個人的救主,又因此如何改變您的生命。

Please share what motivated you to go on this mission trip. 請分享激勵您參加此短宣隊的原因。
Statements 聲明


- We believe that there is one God, who is eternally existent in three (3) persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

- We believe that God, the Father, is the creator of heaven and earth and the designer of the eternal plan of salvation.

- We believe that God, the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Father’s Only Begotten Son. To complete the work of Salvation, He came into the world and became flesh, having been onceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin (Mary), and represents the same essence and nature of the Father, and is uniquely God and Man. He preached Good News on Earth, healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, and was crucified and died on a cross for the sin of the world. He took the punishment for sin upon Himself so that we may enjoy peace. By His wounds we are healed. On the third day He rose again from the dead and ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father, and will return to judge the world.

- We believe that God, the Holy Spirit, has been given to believers as an assurance of salvation and indwells every believer, empowering them to know, understand, and walk in truth and to experience a sanctified life of love and service to God, His people, and the world. The Holy Spirit also graciously grants the use of gifts to believers, as He wills, for the edification of the Church, the Body of Christ. We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, consisting of every born-again Christian, and is the chosen instrument of God in fulfilling the Great Commission on Earth.

- We believe that Mankind is a fallen creation as a result of sin and remains in a degenerate state, devoid of a personal relationship with God and can only be restored and justified through faith in Jesus Christ, Mankind’s only hope for the forgiveness of sin, eternal life, sanctification, and eternal life.

- We believe in the imminent, glorious return of Jesus Christ to the Earth when He will judge the world, through the resurrection of both believers and unbelievers, with believers being granted the blessing of everlasting life and unbelievers being condemned to everlasting separation from God and damnation of hell.

- 我們相信三位一體的真神 聖父聖子聖靈同時存在 同等同榮 聖父是創造宇宙萬有的真神。聖子耶穌本是與神同等,降世為人。因聖靈感孕,由童貞女馬利亞所生,在十字架上捨命救贖世人的罪。因祂的刑罰使人得平安,因祂的鞭傷使人得醫治。耶穌第三天從死裡復活、升天,如今坐在全能父神右邊,將來必再來審判世界。聖靈是一位內住於信徒的神,聖靈充滿能帶給信徒過聖潔生活及事奉神的能力。 

- 我們相信聖經是神所默示的,是一切信仰與生活的根基。 

- 我們相信 人的得救是因信稱義。在末日的審判時,信與不信的都要復活,信者得永生。不信者永遠滅亡。 

- 我們相信 教會是基督的身體。從使徒時代直到如今,我們同屬一個身體,見證神的榮耀。


Should it be necessary for me to have medical treatment while participating in short-term mission trip, I hereby give the team’s leadership permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical service for me. I give permission to the physician selected by the group’s leadership to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate. All team members making this trip and their families are deemed to have waived all claims against the sponsoring organization, Bread of Life Christian Church and their paid or voluntary workers for injury, accident, illness, or death, occurring during, or by reason of the trip.

I have read and understood the foregoing statements agreeing to assume the responsibility stated and waive all claims as indicated.

我授權短宣領導者,在我參予短宣期間,為我安排必要的醫藥治療。我同意接受短宣領導者安排之必要及合適醫護人員所提供的醫療,短宣隊員於短宣期間受傷、意外、疾病、或死亡時,短宣隊員及其家屬同意放棄對DA LA及其任何聘僱人員或義工的訴訟權力。

Please leave your signature below indicating you have read, understood, and approved the STATEMENT OF FAITH and MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS.


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