2022/05/20 - 2022/05/21 旗舞研習會

05/20/22 - 05/21/22 旗舞研習會
Ann Mack 旗舞研習會
課程簡介 Conference Info

2022 旗舞研習會


Ann Mack是一位國際教師和演講者,擁有超過 24 年的敬拜舞蹈經驗。她擁有芭蕾和現代舞背景。她有一個巡迴事工,帶她到美國和許多國家授教,舉辦敬拜舞蹈、旗幟工作坊和舞蹈領導力培訓。 Ann 的任務是用創意來裝備學習者,無論有沒有舞蹈背景,鼓勵他們對自己的身份充滿信心,引領他們過聖靈充滿的生活。

透過即興動作啟發靈裡的感知,用心來回應周遭正在發生的事情:耶穌教導說:“心裡所充滿的,口裡就說出來。”(路加福音 6:45b)。很多時候在我們成長過程中被教導要用理性和頭腦來思考。因此,我們可能不熟悉如何傾聽我們自己的內心的聲音。在聖靈的帶領下,我會鼓勵你通過動作中探索和敞開你的心來回應當下正在發生的事情。透過即興動作在空間裡對身體運動的探索是一種使用身體接觸點的舞蹈技巧。本課程有時會運用肢體接觸,例如彼此配搭、重量、動力和觸摸。不需通過話語,它有無限的可能性帶來啟發,創作故事和舞蹈。 這門課教導你透過肢體運動啟發靈裡的感知,使你對當下所發生的事情能做出更細膩的反應,並學會相信你自己的選擇。

許多Ann的學生在上課時都有過類似sozo (被醫治釋放)的經歷,在許多領域帶來了自由。



Ann is an international teacher & speaker with over 24 years of experience in worship dance. She has a background in ballet & modern dance technique. She has an itinerant ministry that has taken her across the USA & to many nations teaching worship dance workshops, flag workshops & dance leadership training. Ann's mandate is to equip creatives to live a Spirit-filled life. To encourage dancers & non-dancers alike to become confident in their identity.


Engaging the Heart: Jesus taught:  “For the mouth speaks of what the heart is full of” (Luke 6:45b). Throughout life many of us had been trained to engage from our head. Hence, we can become unfamiliar with listening to our heart. Led by the Spirit, I encourage you to respond to what is happening in the moment by exploring through movement & engaging your heart. This class will at times use points of physical contact such as partnering, weight, momentum & touch. It has endless possibilities to create stories & choreography all without words. Many of Ann's students have had sozo-like encounters while taking the class, bringing freedom in many areas. The class is open to dancers & non-dancers alike.


The art of using flags as a creative expression in worship:

Have you ever desired to worship the Lord through creativity. Have you desired to communicate the heart of God and yet didnt know how. It is my heart's desire to teach people how to use their physical being to worship God with the tools we have at hand. Flags are just that, a tool to express what our heart is saying in worship. No dance experience is necessary and flags will be provided for use in class.


The art of using fabrics as a creative expression in worship:

Have you ever desired to worship the Lord through creativity. Have you desired to communicate the heart of God and yet didnt know how. It is my heart's desire to teach people how to use their physical being to worship God with the tools we have at hand. No dance experience is necessary and worship silks will be provided for use in class.


Worship and Movement Improv

 Improvisation is an exploration of body movement through space. It is a dance technique that uses points of physical contact such as weight, touch and momentum. With endless possibilities it can create stories without words.

This class teaches you to become spiritually aware as you move. It fine tunes your senses as you respond to what is happening in the moment. You will learn to trust  your choices. Contact improvisation is open to all non dancers and dancers alike.


5/20 〔Friday〕 

第一堂 First Session: 7:30pm-9:30pm 舞蹈敬拜的生活方式〔Worship lifestyle- Intro to dance worship〕


5/21 〔Saturday〕 

第二堂 Second Session: 9:00am-10:30am 旌旗創意藝術敬拜〔The art of using flags as a creative expression in worship〕

第三堂 Third Session: 10:45am-12:15pm 絲巾創意藝術敬拜〔The art of using silk fabric as a creative expression in worship〕

第四堂 Fourth Session:1:30pm-3:15pm 與神的心對齊〔engaging the heart ❤️〕

第五堂 Fifth Session: 3:30pm-5:00pm 即興動作與敬拜〔Worship and Movement Improv〕


報名費Registration Fee: $50

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05/20/22 - 05/21/22 旗舞研習會
Ann Mack 旗舞研習會